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  • Graphene Film-Super Paper
  • Graphene Film-Super Paper

    Catalog Number
    Chemical Name
    Graphene Film-Super Paper
    Graphene Series
    Graphene Film-Super Paper is designed to harness the exceptional properties of graphene, a derivative of graphite known for its superior conductivity and strength. This innovative product capitalizes on the layered structure of graphite, allowing for remarkable electrical and thermal conductance. By utilizing the flake-like characteristics of graphite, which significantly lower electrical resistivity and enhance conductivity, Graphene Film-Super Paper becomes a versatile solution for advanced applications in electronics and industrial sectors. Its robust yet lightweight composition makes it ideal for various uses, from improving the performance of electronic devices to serving as a high-strength material in composite structures. Through these applications, Graphene Film-Super Paper offers a cutting-edge approach to leveraging graphite's intrinsic properties for modern technological advancements.
    Color Form
    40 mm
    Electrical Conductivity
    2x10 3S/m
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