Epoxy Magnetic Beads
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  • Epoxy Magnetic Beads

    Product Introduction:
    Epoxy magnetic beads are superparamagnetic beads with abundant epoxy groups on the surface. The epoxy groups on the surface of the magnetic beads allow covalent coupling of various biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, peptides or nucleic acids. This makes them useful in a variety of applications including immunoprecipitation, affinity purification, and molecular diagnostics.

    Our Products

    Compared with conventional magnetic beads, our epoxy magnetic beads are characterized by simple handling and mild coupling conditions. Additionally, they exhibit excellent chemical stability and biocompatibility, allowing direct binding with a variety of biological ligands.

    We offer epoxy magnetic beads in various sizes that can be customized according to specific experimental requirements. Our products are stable in a variety of buffer solutions and have therefore become indispensable tools for the isolation, purification and detection of biomolecules.

    Product Name200 nm Epoxy Magnetic Beads1-10 μm Epoxy Magnetic Beads20-100 μm Epoxy Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs044NM-MBs045NM-MBs046
    Particle Size200 nm1-10 μm20-100 μm
    Concentration50 mg/mL
    Preservation SolutionIsopropyl alcohol
    LigandChemically active epoxy groups
    Ligand Density≥ 250 µmol/g
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 12 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.

    *If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.


    • Our products enable rapid one-step coupling.
    • Our products exhibit minimal batch-to-batch variation and high repeatability.
    • Our products have a moderate density of epoxy groups and a uniform surface morphology, resulting in high coupling efficiency.

    You Need to Know

    • Freezing of magnetic beads or any other inappropriate operation is prohibited.
    • Before using the magnetic beads, shake them thoroughly to ensure even suspension. Bubbles should be avoided during operation.
    • If necessary, add 0.02% sodium azide to inhibit bacterial growth.
    • Our products need to be used with magnetic separation equipment.
    • Our products are for research use only.

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.