Multilayer/Monolayer TiVCTx
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  • Multilayer/Monolayer TiVCTx

    Molecular Formula: TiVCTx

    Storage Conditions: Store refrigerated (4°C) or in a vacuum or inert environment for 2-6 months.

    Product Introduction

    TiVCTx is a type of double transition-metal MXene, formed from the selective etching of aluminum (Al) from the parent compound, TiVAlC, leaving behind a layered structure of titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V) carbides. The formula TiVCTx refers to the material's composition, where "Ti" and "V" are the transition metals, "C" stands for carbon atoms, and "Tx" represents the surface terminations such as =O, -OH, or -F, which arise during the synthesis process and modify the material's properties. Our product series is prepared by etching lithium fluoride/hydrochloric acid (LiF/HCl) system, and has good oxidation resistance.

    Product Characteristics

    • The product appears as a brown powder or deep blue liquid.
    • The concentration of the product is adjustable, and the flake size is controllable.
    • The product introduces vanadium atoms at the transition metal sites, which significantly improves the energy storage performance.
    • The liquid should be stored refrigerated (0-4 °C), while the powder should be stored in a vacuum-dried or inert environment.

    Performance Parameters

    Product TypeMultilayer TiVCTx PowderMonolayer TiVCTx PowderMonolayer TiVCTx Aqueous SolutionMonolayer TiVCTx Flexible Film
    Catalog NumberNM-MX063NM-MX064NM-MX065NM-MX066
    Etching ProcessLiF/HCl etchingLiF/HCl etching + Intercalating agent-induced delaminationLiF/HCl etching + Intercalating agent-induced delaminationLiF/HCl etching + Intercalating agent-induced delamination
    ColorBrown blackBrown goldDark blueBrown gold
    Multilayer Size2-20μm///
    Monolayer Size/200-1000 nm200-1000 nm1000-10000 nm
    Number of LayersMultilayer≤5 layers≤5 layers≤5 layers
    Concentration//1-10 mg/mL (customizable)/
    Conductivity10-100 S/cm1000±500 S/cm1000±500 S/cm1000±500 S/cm
    Surface Groups-OH, =O, -F, -Cl-OH, =O, -F, -Cl-OH, =O, -F, -Cl-OH, =O, -F, -Cl

    *If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.