PEG Coated Upconverting Nanoparticles
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  • PEG Coated Upconverting Nanoparticles

    Upconverting Nanoparticles:
    Upconverting nanoparticles are innovative nanomaterials with the ability to convert low-energy near-infrared photons into higher-energy visible or ultraviolet photons. Their unique optical properties, including deep tissue penetration, low background noise, and high photostability, make them highly suitable for a wide range of applications in bioimaging, photodynamic therapy, sensing, and drug delivery.
    Upconverting nanoparticles are commonly doped with lanthanide ions, such as erbium (Er3+), ytterbium (Yb3+), and thulium (Tm3+). Yb3+ ions often serve as sensitizers, absorbing infrared light and transferring energy to activator ions like Er3+ or Tm3+, which then emit light at shorter wavelengths. The energy transfer between sensitizer and activator ions is crucial for the upconversion process.

    Specification 10 mg
    - +

    Our Products

    Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a biocompatible, hydrophilic polymer commonly used to modify the surface of nanoparticles to enhance their properties for biological applications. PEG coated upconverting nanoparticles are a specialized type of nanomaterial that combine the unique properties of upconverting nanoparticles with the beneficial characteristics of PEG coatings.

    Catalog NumberSensitizerActivatorEmission WavelengthExcitation Wavelength
    NM-UCNPs019Ytterbium (Yb3+)Thulium (Tm3+)365 nm/475 nm975 nm
    NM-UCNPs020Ytterbium (Yb3+)Erbium (Er3+)545 nm/660 nm975 nm
    NM-UCNPs021Ytterbium (Yb3+)Thulium (Tm3+)804 nm975 nm

    Basic Product Information

    Crystal Formula: NaYREF4, RE: Yb, Er, Tm, Gd, Mu, Lu

    Coating: PEG

    Morphology: Nanosized spheres

    Diameter: ~35 nm (Customizable to meet your needs)

    Odor: Odorless

    Description: It is an off-white, freeze-dried powder that can be dispersed in water or aqueous medium.

    Applications: For scientific research only. Not to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in any animal or human. After proper surface modification and functionalization, the product can be used in biomedical fields such as fluorescence imaging, bio-detection, photodynamic therapy, immunohistochemistry, micro-array detection, molecular recognition and so on.

    Storage: Seal and store in a refrigerator (4-8 °C)

    Shelf Life: 6 months, it is recommended to use as soon as possible

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.