His-Tag Protein Purification Magnetic Beads
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  • His-Tag Protein Purification Magnetic Beads
  • His-Tag Protein Purification Magnetic Beads

    Product Introduction:
    His-tag protein purification magnetic beads are specialized tools used in biochemical and molecular biology labs for the purification of proteins tagged with a series of histidine residues (His-tag). These magnetic beads offer a highly efficient and straightforward method for isolating His-tagged proteins from complex mixtures, such as cell lysates or culture media.

    Our Products

    His-tag protein purification magnetic beads provided by Alfa Chemistry are new functional materials designed for efficient and rapid purification of His-tag protein. They can directly purify the target protein from biological samples by magnetic separation, which greatly simplifies the purification process and improves the purification efficiency.

    Our products include nickel and cobalt ion-chelated magnetic beads, which differ in their target protein binding capacity and non-specific adsorption properties. Customers can choose different types of metal ion-chelated magnetic beads based on the binding performance of the target protein with different metals, as well as their requirements for yield and purity of the target protein.

    Product NameIDA-Ni Magnetic Beads for His-Tag Protein PurificationIDA-Co Magnetic Beads for His-Tag Protein Purification
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs063NM-MBs064
    Bead Size30-150 µm
    Chelating Metal IonNi2+Co2+
    Metal Ion Density30-50 µmol/1 mL magnetic beads
    Protein Binding Capacity30-40 mg/mL (100% magnetic beads)20-30 mg/mL (100% magnetic beads)
    Operating Temperature2-30 °C
    Suspension Concentration10% (V/V) magnetic beads suspension
    Preservation Solution20% (V/V) ethanol solution
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 24 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.

    *Iminodiacetic acid (IDA) is widely used to fix metal ions to a matrix.
    **The amount of protein binding is related to the characteristics of the target protein, and only the reference value is given here.
    ***If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.

    You Need to Know

    • Do not freeze, dry, or d high-speed centrifuge our products.
    • Before using our products, make sure to thoroughly oscillate or ultrasonic to maintain a uniform suspension of the beads.
    • It is recommended to use high-quality pipette tips and reaction tubes to prevent the magnetic beads from sticking to the walls or leakage during the mixing process, which can cause loss of magnetic beads.
    • Our products are reusable. When the purification performance decreases, regeneration is recommended.
    • When the used magnetic beads are reused, it is recommended to purify the same kind of proteins. When purifying different proteins, it is recommended to use new magnetic beads to avoid cross-contamination.
    • Our products need to be used with magnetic separation equipment.
    • Our products are for research use only.


    Appendix: Solvent Tolerance of Magnetic Beads

    Solvent TypeSolventTolerable ConcentrationNote
    Reducing AgentDTE5 mMBefore using reductant, please wash the magnetic beads with no reductant solution first. Avoid using reductant solution to treat magnetic beads for a long time.
    DTT5 mM
    β-Mercaptoethanol20 mM
    TCEP5 mM
    Reduced Glutathione10 mM
    DenaturantUrea8 M-
    Guanidine Hydrochlride6 M-
    Surface Active
    Triton X-1002%-
    Tween 202%-
    Buffer SolutionSodium Phosphate, pH 7.450 mM-
    HEPES100 mM-
    Tris-HCl, pH 7.4100 mM-
    Tris-Acetate, pH 7.4100 mM-
    MOPS, pH 7.4100 mM-
    Sodium Acetate, pH 4.0100 mM-
    Other SolutionImidazole1 M-
    NaCl1.5 M-
    Na2SO4100 mM-
    EDTA1 mMLimited to add to protein samples, not for buffers.
    Citrate60 mM

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.