Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
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  • Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    DNA purification with magnetic beads.

    Product Introduction:
    Carboxyl magnetic beads are functionalized magnetic nanoparticles that have carboxyl functional groups on their surface. These beads are commonly used in bioconjugation and immunoassay systems. The carboxyl groups provide sites for the easy attachment of various molecules, such as proteins, antibodies, or nucleic acids. The magnetic properties of the beads enable efficient and rapid separation of the bound biomolecules from the mixture by applying an external magnetic field. Overall, carboxyl magnetic beads are versatile tools in molecular biology, biotechnology, and medical research.

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    1 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    1 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads (Low Non-Specific Binding)

    2.8 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    3 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    4.5 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    5 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    10 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    15 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    20 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads

    30 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Bead

    Our Products

    The carboxyl magnetic beads provided by Alfa Chemistry are composed of polymer and nano iron oxide, which have the advantages of good biocompatibility, superparamagnetism and monodispersity. Their surfaces are rich in carboxyl groups, which can covalently couple peptides, proteins, antibodies and other biological ligands to the surface of the beads under the action of special chemical reagents (such as EDC). They are suitable for solid-phase immunoassay, bacterial detection, high-throughput screening, rapid diagnosis, cell sorting, chemiluminescence, biosensors and other fields.

    Product Name1 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs001
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size~1 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -35 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 2400 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 35%-45%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name1 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads (Low Unspecific Binding)
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs002
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size~1 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -35 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 1000 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 35%-45%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name2.8 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs003
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size2.8 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -25 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 880 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 10%-20%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name3 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs004
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size3 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -39 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 1200 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 12%-15%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name4.5 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs005
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size4.5 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -35 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 560 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 4%-5%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name5 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs006
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size5 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -29 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 2200 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 14%-15%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name10 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs007
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size10 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -20 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 1400 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 8%-9%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name15 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs008
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size15 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -37 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 800 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 10%-15%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name20 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs009
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size20 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -20 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 250 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 4%-8%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.
    Product Name30 μm Carboxyl Magnetic Bead
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs010
    Surface Group-COOH
    Concentration10 mg/mL
    SolventUltrapure water
    Particle Size30 μm
    Surface PotentialAbout -38 mV
    Surface Carboxyl Group ContentAbout 187 nmol/mg
    Magnetic ContentAbout 10%-15%
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 36 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.

    *If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.


    • Our products provide sufficient binding sites for biomolecule attachment.
    • Our products enable fast and efficient separation of target molecules or cells from mixtures using a magnetic field.
    • Our products have good dispersion and resuspension, and improve the convenience of operation.
    • Our products have good physical and chemical stability to ensure repeatability.

    You Need to Know

    • Before using magnetic beads, they should be thoroughly mixed to prevent changes in bead concentration during the usage and to avoid prolonged ultrasound damage to the surface of the magnetic beads.
    • Before using the magnetic beads, magnetic separation should be carried out and washed 2-3 times with pure water or buffer solution.
    • In order to ensure the best experimental results, please select the appropriate ligand for covalent coupling reaction.
    • Our products need to be used with magnetic separation equipment.
    • Our products are for research use only.

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.