Glutathione Magnetic Beads
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  • Glutathione Magnetic Beads

    Product Introduction:
    Glutathione magnetic beads have a high affinity for proteins containing glutathione S-transferase (GST) tags. These magnetic beads provide a powerful, versatile, and efficient method for the purification and analysis of GST-tagged proteins in various biological research applications.

    Our Products

    Alfa Chemistry offers glutathione magnetic beads, a novel functionalized material specifically designed for the efficient and rapid purification of GST fusion proteins. These beads facilitate the direct extraction of high-purity target proteins from biological samples in a single step via magnetic separation, significantly simplifying the purification process and boosting efficiency.

    Compared to traditional column chromatography methods, our magnetic beads do not require multiple rounds of lengthy high-speed centrifugation and membrane filtration of crude protein samples, do not need flow rate control, and eliminate the need for expensive chromatography equipment. Instead, the specific binding between the sample and the magnetic beads makes the purification process very simple and fast. Skilled operators can obtain high-purity target proteins within 1 hour and easily achieve high-throughput and large-scale parallel processing of samples, saving researchers both time and costs.

    Product NameGlutathione Magnetic Beads
    Catalog NumberNM-MBs067
    Bead Size30-150 μm
    Glutathione Ligand Content20-30 μmol/mL (100% beads)
    GST Fusion Protein Binding Capacity≥5mg/mL (100% beads)
    Suspension Concentration10% (V/V) Magnetic beads suspension
    Preservation Solution20% (V/V) Ethanol
    Chemical StabilityAt room temperature can tolerate 1 h of 70% ethanol, 6 M hydrochloride, 0.1 M hydroxide, 0.1 M acetic acid
    Storage ConditionSeal and store at 4 °C for 24 months. Do not freeze. Mix well before use.

    *The amount of protein binding is related to the characteristics of the target protein, and only the reference value is given here.
    **If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.

    Optimization of Protein Purification Process

    Methods to improve the recovery of target proteins:
    (a) Extend the incubation time of the protein solution with the magnetic beads.
    (b) Add 1-10 mM DTT to the sample and buffer to enhance binding of certain GST fusion proteins to the magnetic beads.
    (c) Include appropriate protease inhibitors to prevent degradation of the target protein.
    (d) Increase the amount of magnetic beads used.
    (e) Extend the elution time of the target protein or increase the number of elutions.
    (f) Use freshly prepared elution buffer to ensure efficient elution of the target protein.

    Methods to improve the purity of the target protein:
    (a) Avoid vigorous ultrasonic rupture to prevent breakage of GST tag from the target protein.
    (b) Include appropriate protease inhibitors during purification to prevent degradation of the target protein.
    (c) Add 0.1% Tween 20 or 2% NP-40 to the sample solution and buffer to reduce the adsorption of non-specific proteins.
    (d) Extend the washing time and increase the number of washes.
    (e) Use gradient concentration of reduced glutathione to elute the target protein.

    You Need to Know

    • Do not freeze, dry, or d high-speed centrifuge our products.
    • Before using our products, make sure to thoroughly oscillate to maintain a uniform suspension of the beads.
    • It is recommended to use high-quality pipette tips and reaction tubes to prevent the magnetic beads from sticking to the walls or leakage during the mixing process, which can cause loss of magnetic beads.
    • When the used magnetic beads are reused, it is recommended to purify the same kind of proteins. When purifying different proteins, it is recommended to use new magnetic beads to avoid cross-contamination.
    • Our products need to be used with magnetic separation equipment.
    • Our products are for research use only.

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.