Multilayer/Monolayer Mo2CTx
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  • Multilayer/Monolayer Mo2CTx
  • Multilayer/Monolayer Mo2CTx

    Molecular Formula: Mo2CTx

    Storage Conditions: Store refrigerated (4°C) or in a vacuum or inert environment for 2-6 months.

    Product Introduction

    Multilayer and monolayer Mo2CTx, part of the MXene family, are two-dimensional materials derived from the etching of Mo2Ga2C MAX phase. Multilayer Mo2CTx consists of stacked nanosheets, whereas monolayer Mo2CTx consists of fewer layers (typically ≤5), and both have surface terminations such as hydroxyl, oxygen, or fluorine (Tx), which enhances their chemical versatility.

    Alfa Chemistry uses a hydrofluoric acid (HA) etching method, combined with intercalation-assisted exfoliation, to prepare Mo2CTx. Its unique tunability of functional groups and excellent conductivity make it a key material for advanced technologies and scientific innovations.

    Product Characteristics

    • The product appears as a dark green powder or reddish brown liquid.
    • The concentration of the product is adjustable, and the flake size is controllable.
    • The product demonstrates outstanding performance in battery energy storage and supercapacitor applications.
    • The liquid should be stored refrigerated (0-4 °C), while the powder should be stored in a vacuum-dried or inert environment.

    Performance Parameters

    Product TypeMultilayer Mo2CTx PowderMonolayer Mo2CTx PowderMonolayer Mo2CTx Aqueous SolutionMonolayer Mo2CTx Flexible Film
    Catalog NumberNM-MX035NM-MX036NM-MX037NM-MX038
    Etching ProcessHF etchingHF + Intercalating agent-induced delaminationHF + Intercalating agent-induced delaminationHF + Intercalating agent-induced delamination
    ColorDark greenDark greenReddish brownDark green
    Multilayer Size2-20μm///
    Monolayer Size/200-1000 nm200-1000 nm1000-10000 nm
    Number of LayersMultilayer≤5 layers≤5 layers≤5 layers
    Concentration//1-3 mg/mL (customizable)/
    Conductivity10-100 S/cm1000±500 S/cm1000±500 S/cm1000±500 S/cm
    Surface Groups-OH, =O, -F-OH, =O, -F-OH, =O, -F-OH, =O, -F

    *If you have a need for other specifications, we can also provide you with product customization.

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