Aluminum-Coated Microspheres
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  • Aluminum-Coated Microspheres


    Product Introduction:

    Aluminum-coated microspheres are advanced materials that stand out among numerous materials due to their unique properties. These microspheres typically consist of a core material, such as glass or polymer, which is uniformly coated with a thin layer of aluminum. The aluminum coating not only imparts reflective, conductive, and lightweight characteristics but also increases the microspheres' resistance to corrosion and wear, further enhancing their versatility.

    Our Products

    Retroreflective aluminum-coated solid barium titanate glass microspheres are prepared with solid barium titanate glass as the core. Each microsphere features a hemispherical aluminum coating designed to optimize retroreflective performance. In bulk form, these metal-coated microspheres present as a grey powder, while under an optical microscope, their individual partial aluminum coatings become distinctly visible.

    Fully aluminum-coated solid barium titanate glass microspheres are durable, opaque particles featuring a reflective surface. Their high density and opacity make them an ideal choice for applications in ultrasonic imaging, optical systems, and X-ray technologies.

    Product NameCatalog NumberSize
    Retroreflective Aluminum-Coated Solid Barium Titanate Glass Microspheres (Half-Shell Aluminum)NM-MSPs06030-53 μm, uncoated 1
    30-63 μm, uncoated
    30-100 μm, uncoated / silane coating 2 / fluorochemical coating 3
    Fully Aluminum-Coated Solid Barium Titanate Glass MicrospheresNM-MSPs06130-100 μm

    1. Uncoated means no surface treatment.
    2. Silane coating is used to improve dispersion in aqueous systems.
    3. Fluorochemical coating is applied to enhance hydrophobicity, allowing the spheres to approach surface in solvent-based systems.

    Technical Features

    • Retroreflective Aluminum-Coated Solid Barium Titanate Glass Microspheres
      • Appearance: Grey powder
      • Coating: Half-shell aluminum
      • Core: Solid Barium titanate glass
      • Sphericity: >90% of particles are spherical
      • Density: 4.1-4.5g/cm3
      • Index of Refraction: ~1.9
      • Hardness: 55-65 on Gardner Scale
      • Crush Strength: 30000 psi
    • Fully Aluminum-Coated Solid Barium Titanate Glass Microspheres
      • Appearance: Grey powder
      • Coating: Fully aluminum coated (~500 nm thickness)
      • Core: Solid barium titanate glass spheres
      • Density: ~4.2g/cm3

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