Cell Viability Control Microspheres
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  • Cell Viability Control Microspheres

    Product Introduction:
    Analytical instruments, such as cell vitality analyzers, require regular maintenance to ensure that each instrument produces accurate and consistent results, thus ensuring comparability between instruments. Cell viability control microspheres are essential tools for ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of cell viability assays. By mimicking the properties of live and dead cells, these microspheres provide a stable and reproducible reference standard for calibrating and validating cell vitality analyzers.

    Background Introduction

    Cell vitality analyzers are sophisticated instruments used in medical and scientific research to measure the vitality of cells, tissues, and other biological samples. These analyzers can assess various aspects of cellular health and thus provide valuable insights into cellular functions.

    Trypan blue dye exclusion is a common method used in cell biology to assess cell viability. The method is based on the principle that live cells have intact cell membranes that prevent the entry of the dye, while dead cells have compromised membranes that allow the dye to penetrate and stain them blue.

    The AO/PI fluorescent staining method is another technique used to assess cell viability by differentiating between live and dead cells using two fluorescent dyes: acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI). AO is a nucleic acid-binding dye that permeates all cells and stains both live and dead cells. When bound to DNA, AO emits green fluorescence. PI is a nucleic acid stain that is impermeable to live cells but can penetrate dead or membrane-compromised cells. When bound to DNA, PI emits red fluorescence. Therefore, in this method, live cells will only appear in the green fluorescence channel, while dead cells will appear in both the green and red fluorescence channels.

    Our Products

    Alfa Chemistry is capable of providing control microspheres for the two cell viability detection methods mentioned above, with a particle size of 10 μm. Our microsphere products mimic the characteristics of live and dead cells in both the trypan blue dye exclusion method and the AO/PI staining method and may be used to support validation and QC of cell viability analyzers. If you have any needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Catalog NumberDescriptionConcentration
    NM-MSPs047Dead cell control microspheres for trypan blue dye exclusion method, 10 μm1×106 microspheres/mL
    NM-MSPs048Live cell control microspheres for trypan blue dye exclusion method, 10 μm1×106 microspheres/mL
    NM-MSPs049AO Channel control microspheres for AO/PI staining method, 10 μm1×106 microspheres/mL
    NM-MSPs050PI Channel control microspheres for AO/PI staining method, 10 μm1×106 microspheres/mL

    Product Advantages

    Our products offer several advantages as non-biological surrogates. First, our products eliminate the time-consuming and often error-prone steps involved in preparing biological samples, which can lead to more efficient workflows and reduced variability in experimental results. Second, our products offer excellent stability. They are unaffected by the degradation or variability inherent in biomaterials, allowing you to store and use them as needed without fear of loss of quality or performance. Finally, our products offer unrivaled reproducibility, which are critical to obtaining reliable and accurate data.

    You Need to Know

    • Our products need to be sealed and stored at 2-8 °C, do not freeze.
    • Our products are for scientific research use only and should not be used for other purposes.

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    ※ Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.