Hydroxyapatite Series Products
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  • Hydroxyapatite Series Products

    Hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite, primarily found in bones and teeth. Its chemical formula indicates that it comprises calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ions, making it a crucial component for skeletal health and integrity. Hydroxyapatite is known for its excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity. Additionally, this mineral is important in remediating dental caries and enhancing remineralization processes.

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    What is Hydroxyapatite?

    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite. Its chemical formula is generally represented as Ca5HO13P3. Hydroxyapatite is a key component of bone and teeth, providing structural strength and stability due to its crystalline structure. HA is found in the mineralized tissues of vertebrates, making up about 70% of bone by weight and 90% of the inorganic component of teeth.

    What are the Features of Hydroxyapatite?


    Hydroxyapatite is non-toxic and harmless to human tissues, and will not cause immune reactions or rejection reactions.


    Hydroxyapatite can be gradually dissolved and absorbed in the human body, and will not cause foreign body reactions or rejection reactions.

    Bone Tissue Regeneration

    Hydroxyapatite has good biological activity and can promote bone tissue regeneration and repair damaged bones.

    Modify the Surface

    The groups on the surface of hydroxyapatite can be modified to promote adhesion and formation with surrounding tissues.

    Hydroxyapatite Series Products Products List

    Catalog NumberProduct NameAverage Particle SizePurityInquiry
    ACM1306065-7Hydroxyapatite Powder200 nm≥ 95%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-23Hydroxyapatite Powder60 nm99.9%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-9Hydroxyapatite, Spherical-like2um96%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-10Hydroxyapatite, Spherical-like200nm95%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-11Hydroxyapatite, Needle-shaped60nm96%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-12Hydroxyapatite, Needle-shaped40nm96%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-13Hydroxyapatite, Needle-shaped20nm97.5%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-14Hydroxyapatite, Needle-shaped20nm99%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-15Hydroxyapatite, Clavate/Fibroid20nm99%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-16Hydroxyapatite, Spherical80um96%Inquiry
    ACM1306065-17Hydroxyapatite, Spherical15um(≤30um)Inquiry
    ACM1306065-18Hydroxyapatite, Spherical50um(30-80um)Inquiry
    ACM1306065-19Hydroxyapatite, Spherical100um(≥80um)Inquiry
    ACM1306065-20Hydroxyapatite, Spherical200umInquiry
    ACM1306065-21Hydroxyapatite, Spherical25-45umInquiry
    ACM1306065-22Hydroxyapatite, Spherical1-3mmInquiry
    ACM1306065-24Hydroxyapatite Powder120umInquiry
    ACM1306065-25Hydroxyapatite Powder≤29umInquiry

    What are the Applications of Hydroxyapatite?

    Bone Repair Materials‌

    Hydroxyapatite is highly similar to the inorganic components in bones, has excellent biocompatibility, osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity, and is one of the most popular bone replacement materials.

    ‌Drug Delivery Carriers

    Hydroxyapatite has a high loading capacity for some drugs, and has good biocompatibility and biodegradability, so it can be used as a drug carrier.

    ‌Biodiagnosis and Biodetection

    Hydroxyapatite can absorb organic fluorescent molecules and some luminescent genes, and is often used in bioimaging, biodiagnosis and biodetection.


    Modified hydroxyapatite has the characteristics of heterogeneous catalysis and is suitable for various industrial catalytic reactions.

    ‌Biological Coating Applications

    Hydroxyapatite has excellent biocompatibility with natural bone tissue and is considered to be the most ideal coating material for polymer and metal biomaterials.

    ‌Other Uses

    Hydroxyapatite is also used in optical applications, oral health care, and skin repair.

    What are the Types of Hydroxyapatite We Provide?

    Hydroxyapatite Powder

    Hydroxyapatite, Needle-shaped

    Hydroxyapatite, Spherical-like

    Hydroxyapatite, Clavate/Fibroid

    Our Services for Nanomaterials

    Alfa Chemistry is dedicated to advancing the field of nanomaterials through our comprehensive suite of services.

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    Alfa Chemistry is ISO 9001:2015 certified and focuses on collaboration and partnership.

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    Alfa Chemistry’s QA (Quality Assurance) department oversees all production and quality systems.

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    Alfa Chemistry’s QC (Quality Control) department ensures predetermined standards.


    How safe is hydroxyapatite?

    Hydroxyapatite is biocompatible as a material. It works because it’s slowly absorbed by the hydrogel carrier, and when the hydroxyapatite microspheres build up a scaffold, fibroblasts build collagen fibers on the scaffold to replace the hydrogel.

    How to choose hydroxyapatite nanomaterials?

    Whether biomedical (bone transplants, dental work), drug delivery, cosmetics or even medical, the reasons for choosing hydroxyapatite nanomaterials are many.

    What is it about hydroxyapatite nanomaterials that make them perfect for biomedical use?

    Predominant characteristics are high biocompatibility, osteoconductivity and similarity to natural bone mineral. HA nanomaterials are also mechanically strong, toxic, and may act as a promoter of cell attachment and differentiation (important in the creation of bone tissue).

    Are there any drug delivery systems possible for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles?

    Yes, you can use hydroxyapatite nanomaterials as carriers of drugs as they have high surface area and have therapeutic binding power. They can be programmed to deliver controlled drug release — for example, in bone disease and cancer.

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